Family Focused Solutions Counselor

Nashville, TN

Position title: Family Focused Solutions Counselor 

The Family Focused Solutions Counselor will provide assessment and screening to Families First Participants who are referred to FFS. The five major barriers that Counselors address are mental health, learning disabilities, child behavioral/ health issues, domestic violence and alcohol and drug issues. The Counselor will recommend a plan of action to the participant based on the assessment.  If barriers are present, the Counselor will provide intensive case management, short term counseling, self-advocacy training, family counseling, financial management training, life skills training, parenting skills training, educational and supportive services for unwed teen and young adult parents, in-home services, advocacy and referrals to other resources as needed.

Duties and Responsibilities

• Conduct assessments for learning disabilities, alcohol and drug, mental health, children’s behavioral/health, and domestic violence barriers

• Provide short-term, solution focused counseling for the five barriers

• Arrange for psycho educational testing for learning disabilities when warranted

• Serve as an advocate with the Employment and Case Management Contractors and employers if a participant needs special accommodations

• Refer participants, when appropriate, to TennCare Behavior Management Organizations, licensed drug and alcohol treatment centers, domestic violence shelters, and other community treatment centers which can benefit Families First participants

• Be knowledgeable about Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) and other federal benefit programs for which the participant may qualify

• Assist the participant in applying for federal SSI and SSDI benefits and advocate on their behalf

• Support the idea of self sufficiency and work

• Employ a strengths-based and participant goal oriented approach in their work to facilitate participant self- empowerment

• Make recommendations for modifications to a participant’s personal responsibility plan (PRP) in accordance with DHS policy and procedures based on the assessment

• Provide ongoing educational/supportive groups as needed

• Coordinate and conduct presentations for orientations as needed

• Develop relationships with community agencies and assume a strong advocacy role for needed services of Families First participants

• Conduct home visits when needed

• Regular attendance during office hours and reliable transportation required.


This position requires a Masters degree in Social Work or a related field, and a minimum of 2-3 years of qualifying family counseling experience and working with families from all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds